Habitualmente el precio dado del transporte es por agrupación, y nos resulta muy difícil fijar una hora de recogida. Sin embargo, podemos darle dos opciones que pueden facilitar la recogida/ entrega:
- Entregar / recoger el coche de una campa nuestra, a la hora que a usted le convenga.
- Realizar un traslado con una grúa de una plaza. Aunque este servicio tiene un coste añadido.
Normally the rate we indicate is for car grouping, and thus it will be a little complicated to adjust to an exact date anmd time of collection. However, we provide two options that may help in organizing the pickup:
- You can deliver the car to one of our compounds whenever you wish during working hours.
- You can also try our Express service, that is designed for private clients and single cars, where we organize another type of transportation with a small truck (that can access a given address) to pick up the car at the time that suits you